Sunday, March 15, 2009


1. The best way for men is to perform salat in congregation with Muslims in the
mosque. There you will be given more reward by Allah and you will leam easily
how to pray.

2. Be sure that your body, clothes and place are clean.

3. Stand facing towards the direction of QIBLAH, that is the direction of the Sacred
mosque in Makkah, in Al Hijaz (Saudi Arabia).

4. Raise the hands to the shoulder level and say: “Allahu Akbar” (Allah is the

5. Fold the hand on the chest, the right hand over the left.

6. Recite Al-Fatihah (The Opening Chapter of The Qur’an) and another chapter or
some verses of The Qur’an (See App. 1)

7. Say. “Allahu Akbar” while making Ruku‘ (bowing and bending the body at a right
angle placing the palms on the knees)

8. Say in Ruku’: “Subhana rabbiyal-atheem” (Glory be to my Lord, the Great!) three

9. Go back to the standing position saying: “Sami‘a ’allahu liman hamidah!
Rabbana wa lakal-hamd.” (Indeed, Allah listens to one who praises Him O! Our
Lord! All praises be to You)

10. Then, you say “Allahu Akbar” and immediately fall down to make the first Sajdah
(Prostration) with forehead, nose, palms, knees and toes resting on the ground,-
saying: “Subhana rabbiyal ’a‘la” (Glory be to my Lord, Most High) Three times.

11. Move from sajdah (prostration) position to sitting posture while saying; “Allahu
Akbar!” While sitting, say “Rabbighfirli warhamni” (O My Lord! Forgive me! and
have mercy on me)

12. After this, another sajdah is done in the same way with “Allahu Akbar” uttered
before it, and “Subhana rabbiyal ’a‘la” Three times during Sujud.

13. After completing the second sajdah, one “Rak‘ah” is completed.

14. Stand up saying “Allahu Akbar” in order to begin a new Rak‘ah, exactly as the first

15. After finishing the second “Rak‘ah” you sit down and recite Part One and Part
Two of “At-Tashahhud”.

16. Finally you turn the face to the right hand side and say: “As-Salamu ‘alaykum wa
rahmatul-lah” which means Peace be upon you and The Mercy of Allah!

17. Then you do the same to the left side.

18. Thus a two- Rak‘ah prayer is completed, such as the Fajr Prayer.

19. As for 4 Rak‘ah prayers such as the Dhuhr, only the first part of At-Tashahhud is
recited after completing the second Rak‘ah. Then you stand up to perform two
more Rak‘ahs in the same way, but without reciting any verses from The Qur’an
after Al-Fatihah.

20. The ‘Asr and t ‘Isha’ prayers are performed exactly as the Dhuhr.

21. In the Maghrib Prayer, the final Tashahhud and “As-Salam…” come after the third


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