Sunday, March 15, 2009


1. A Muslim must be pure and clean when he performs his prayer, (otherwise his
prayers will not be valid).

2. At-Taharah is of two types: Wudu’, (Ablution) and Ghusl (full Ablution).
WUDU’ (Ablution) which is performed as follows:

1. Have Niyyah (the clear intention) of performing wudu’8.
2. Say: "Bismil-Lahi r-rahmani r-rahim" (in the name of Allah, Most
Gracious, Most Merciful).
3. Wash the hands, rinse the mouth and clear with water the inside of the nose
4. Wash the face.
5. Wash the arms up to the elbows (start with the right arm)
6. Rub the head with wet hands, and the ears.
7. Wash the feet up to the ankles (starting with the right foot)
8. Say the two Shahadahs.

3. No need for reapplying Wudu’ as long as it has not been invalidated.

4. Wudu' is invalidated by: Passing of excrement, urine, wind or by sleeping.

GHUSL (Taking a shower):

A Muslim must take Ghusl after:
1. Ejaculation of semen because of any reason.
2. Intimate intercourse.
3. For women: End of Menstruation period.
4. End of the childbirth period.

Ghusl is washing the whole body with clean water.
TAYAMMUM (Dry Ablution):

In case of not having water for Wudu or Ghusl, or being unable to use it for any
reason, apply the Dry Ablution:
1. Have Niyyah (the clear intention) of performing Tayammum’.
2. Say: "Bismillahir-rahmanir-rahim" (in the name of Allah, The Most
Gracious, The Most Merciful).
3. Hit the palms once on any clean dust-containing material,
4. then rub the face with the palms, then the hands.


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