Saturday, March 14, 2009


1. Deeds in Islam are of two main categories:

a) ‘Ibadat, these are the rituals, or devotional duties, of worship: Salat, Zakat, Siyam, and Hajj.
b) Mu’amalat, these include all life activities related to the individual,
family, society, or the whole ‘Ummah (Muslim Community at large),
political, economic, cultural, legal, ethical…, national or international.

2. Mu‘amalat when carried out in fulfillment of Allah’s Shari’a (Law) will be a
sort of “Worship” in the general sense.

3. In this pamphlet, Mu’amalat will not be dealt with. You have to consult in each
case either a book of Fiqh (Islamic Law) or any well informed Muslim scholar
or authority.

4. The practical Pillars (Foundations) of Islam are Five:
1. The two Shahadas (Declarations of submission to Allah)
2. Salat (Prayer)
3. Zakat (Poor Due)
4. Siyam (Fasting of Ramadhan)
5. Hajj (Pilgrimage)


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